
Affording BSoR

Affording a BSoR Education

When you choose to invest in a BSoR education, you are choosing to transform your child's future.
The cost of educating a BSoR student – with our personalized attention, stellar faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and myriad opportunities beyond the classroom – is substantial. We recognize independent school tuition can feel prohibitive to many families but know that we are committed to making a BSoR education as affordable and accessible to as many families as possible.

We believe a quality education should be financially accessible to all, regardless of economic status. That is why BSoR is committed to offering generous financial aid and scholarship opportunities. We award over $3.4 million in financial aid and scholarships, which includes over 65 named and endowed scholarships, a number which continues to rise. In fact, over 65% of BSoR students receive some sort of financial aid or scholarship.

We invite you to explore our expansive list of scholarship opportunities and to apply for financial aid to ensure a Benedictine or Saint Gertrude education is as affordable as possible.

Tuition and Fee Information

Learn the answers to your most asked questions regarding tuition, payment plans, and other fees for attending Benedictine or Saint Gertrude.

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the cost of tuition to attend Benedictine or Saint Gertrude?

    The full tuition rate for the 2025-26 school year is $25,650. We also offer tuition assistance and freshman merit scholarships. Tuition for the 2026-27 school year will be established in March 2026.
  • What payment options are available?

    A $700 non-refundable tuition deposit is due when you sign and submit your enrollment contract.  Payment plans include Annual (1 payment in full), Semester (billed in July and December), and Monthly (April-February) options.  All tuition payments are handled by the Blackbaud Tuition Management platform.
  • How do I apply for financial aid and what is required?

    Financial Aid is determined annually based on a combination of demonstrated need and student merit.

    Financial Aid applications are available through FACTS, beginning in October 2024. The Parater scholarship is renewable for the three following school years provided the student remains in good academic/behavior standing and parents submit a FACTS financial aid application each year.

    For priority consideration, applications and all supporting tax documents requested must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Applications completed after this date will have limited financial aid available. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.

    Full participation is expected from ALL natural parents, stepparents, and other adults having financial influence and responsibility in the student’s life, even if living in separate households. Exceptions are rare. Benedictine Schools of Richmond are not bound by any decrees, agreements, or legal documents excusing a parent from financial responsibility for a child’s education.

    Applying for financial aid does not guarantee eligibility. Eligibility for financial aid does not guarantee that financial aid funds are available.
    Benedictine College Preparatory Financial Aid Application
    Saint Gertrude High School Financial Aid Application
  • How much are books?

    Books are purchased online through MBS Direct ( The average cost of books for the school year is $500. You have the option to sell your books back to MBS Direct at the end of the school year, or you can purchase through a third-party provider.
  • How much are registration fees?

    Registration fees for the 2025-26 academic year are $690, which is included in your enrollment contract. Registration fees for 2026-27 will be established March 2026.
  • How much are uniforms?

    For Saint Gertrude: Uniforms are purchased through Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Company and the cost is approximately $450. Uniforms may be purchased at Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Company, SteinMart Shopping Center, 9708 Midlothian Turnpike or online at

    For Benedictine: All items shall be issued by the school quartermaster and purchased through the school. Please note that uniforms need to be procured prior to the start of Orientation Week. Cadets should schedule a uniform fitting over the summer. If uniforms are in stock with the Quartermaster, uniforms will be distributed at the fitting. BCP uniforms are $1,070 (for freshmen and transfer students). An itemized uniform price list can be found here.
"As a mother of three children who are either currently enrolled or have graduated from Benedictine or Saint Gertrude, I can whole heartedly say we made the right choice. We carefully thought about where to send our children and weighed all of the options including a free education at a local public school. It was difficult to commit to the cost but it has been so worth it. We are committed to investing in our children’s education, and they have thrived at Saint Gertrude and Benedictine. We couldn’t be happier!" - Jeanine Ngendakuriyo (Parent of Dean '17, Sarah '19, and David '23)