Endowed Gifts

Estate and Planned Giving Endowed Gifts

Gifts to the Benedictine College Preparatory and/or Saint Gertrude High School’s endowment are extremely valuable because they are invested in perpetuity, creating a permanent source of funding for ongoing priorities, such as faculty and staff professional development, scholarships, and facilities maintenance.

A portion of the annual income from the investment is used to address immediate needs and the remaining funds are reinvested to ensure indefinite support. When you donate to our endowment, you give a gift with both immediate and long-term benefits, creating long-term financial sustainability.

Benedictine College Preparatory and Saint Gertrude High School have a collection of over 90 scholarship funds that make up the endowment, these include the Father Adrian Education Fund Endowment and the Sister Charlotte Lange Education Fund Endowment. As of June 30, 2023, these endowed scholarships were valued at over $15 million.

An example of how it works:

Longtime supporters Kathy and Mike have two goals: First, they want to make sure their alma mater continues to receive support after they're gone. Second, they want to memorialize Kathy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Kathy and Mike make a $100,000 donation to their alma mater, which the school invests, and each year, a portion of the income from the invested money will be used to support our mission in honor of the Smiths. Plus, Kathy and Mike qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction on their taxes.

Next Steps:

Contact Director of Scholarship Giving
Kristina Pudner at 804.708.9581 or kpudner@benedictineschools.org.

Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Kristina Pudner

    Kristina Pudner 

    Director of Scholarship Giving

Legal Tax Information

If you include Benedictine College Preparatory and/or Saint Gertrude High School in your plans, please use the legal name (Benedictine Schools Educational Foundation) and federal tax ID number (45-3960058). Address is: 12829 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238